Kyndryl Introduces New Platform, Kyndryl Bridge To Manage IT Needs and Drive Business Growth

JAKARTA - Kyndryl, the world's largest provider of Information Technology infrastructure services, announced its new open integration platform on Friday, September 23.

The platform will provide business leaders with greater real-time insights into their complex IT needs, and unprecedented control over customizing their critical operations.

Kyndryl Bridge leverages Kyndryl's core technology advantages with decades of expertise, operational data patterns and IP to generate actionable insights that are redefining how companies can improve and accelerate their Artificial Intelligence-powered analytics and business goals.

Kyndryl Bridge is designed to meet the needs of customers where they are today, enabling interoperability that maximizes the value of the tools they already know and trust.

“Dealing with complexity is what Kyndryl does best, and what customers need most. Kyndryl Bridge will be a way for our customers, and Kyndryl, to better run their critical infrastructure and digital transformation,” said Martin Schroeter, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Kyndryl in a press release received in Jakarta.

Schroeter also said that Kyndryl is committed to changing the way IT services, and Kyndryl Bridge is at the heart of the company's long-term strategic mission to grow its alliance partner ecosystem.

"By using tools and IP to create powerful, advanced delivery systems, and ultimately dedicate more expertise and focus to serving customers at scale," he added.

Kyndryl will accelerate the digital business journey of its customers by innovating to provide solutions through services that support their platform.

"Today's enterprise IT leaders are responsible for managing increasingly complex IT needs and demanding greater oversight, interoperability, and AI-powered analytics to address challenges and downtime," said David Tapper, Program VP, Outsourcing and Managed Cloud Services at IDC.

"Kyndryl Bridge's ability to connect many of the tools, workflows and processes that companies have spent years investing in, while providing real-time actionable insights and recommendations, is a powerful proposition for companies across economies. global." he said.