Not Only Aubameyang, Real Madrid Player Dani Carvajal Also A Victim Of Armed Robbery

JAKARTA - Real Madrid star, Dani Carvajal, was also a victim of armed robbers in Spain.

Local police are already investigating the attempted break-in of Carvajal's house near Madrid. Reportedly, there were two masked men in action.

"The incident occurred at around 2am on August 30. Nothing was stolen," said a police source.

The criminals fled the scene after realizing the alarm system at the Real Madrid defender's home was activated as they tried to access his property.

Carvajal was reportedly not at home at the time of the incident. He then called detectives after checking CCTV images before the alarm system went off.

The incident that happened to Carvajal comes hours after former Barcelona player, Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang, suffered the same thing. However, Aubameyang was not as lucky as Carvajal.

The robbers managed to break into the house and threaten, and abuse, Aubameyang. The four armed robbers managed to bring some valuables.

The player who now joins Chelsea suffered a broken jaw after being hit in the face with an iron rod. However, some Spanish reports say the weapon used was the butt of a pistol.

He said in an Instagram post, "Hey guys, thank you so much for all the messages. On Sunday night some vicious cowards broke into our house and threatened my family and my kids, just to steal some stuff."

"They injured my jaw but I will recover in no time and thankfully no one else was physically injured. The feeling that we are no longer safe in our own homes is hard to understand and explain, but as a family we will get over this and stand up. stronger than before."

"Thank you for all the support, it means a lot to us," concluded Aubameyang.