Mike Tyson Praises Dana White For Turning Down Millions Of Dollars From Hulu To Promote Her Biography

JAKARTA - Mike Tyson took to Instagram on Friday night to thank Dana White for turning down a million-dollar Hulu request that the UFC president promote his biopic.

Tyson said the streaming platform didn't pay him a dime to create a show called Mike.

"Hulu is trying desperately to pay my brother Dana White millions of dollars without offering me a single dollar to promote the story of my life," Tyson wrote.

"He turned it down because he respects friendship and treats people with dignity.

"I will never forget what he did for me, just as I will never forget what Hulu stole from me."

Mike premieres on August 25 on Hulu.

'Iron' Mike has publicly criticized the Hulu show about his life. He called it a "tone-deaf cultural abuse" of his story.

Beyond that, the former heavyweight champion is involved in another project about his life, starring Jamie Foxx.

Foxx, the show's executive producer, will be working with director Antoine Fuqua to tell Tyson's story.