Surabaya DPRD Asks Trans Icon To Check Functional Eligibility Certificate Before Grand Opening
SURABAYA - Commission A for the Administration of the Surabaya Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) asked the manager of the Trans Icon mall and apartment on Ahmad Yani Street, Kota Pahlawan, East Java, to check the Certificate of Functionality (SLF) before opening in early August.
"We ask Trans Icon to immediately check whether the building has SLF or not", said a member of Commission A of the Surabaya DPRD, Imam Syafi'i, as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, August 1.
According to him, if it turns out that Trans Icon is not SLF yet, then it is better not to force it for the grand opening in early August. "It's for the good of all parties", said Imam.
"So if the Trans Icon apartment is not finished, while the mall is ready and wants to be opened to the public, then this is very risky for the convenience of the mall building. Because the mall and apartment buildings are an integral part of the SLF", said Imam.
Therefore, he said, Trans Icon Surabaya was asked to complete its SLF and then the grand opening. He supports the existence of Trans Icon as a shopping center which is expected to be a driver of the modern retail economy in Surabaya.
Meanwhile, Trans Icon Surabaya Satria when contacted by reporters via WhatsApp did not respond to SLF. Satria only confirmed that in August 2022 there will be a grand opening of Trans Icon Surabaya.
"Please pray for the success of the grand opening", said Satria via WhatsApp quoted by ANTARA.
Head of the Public Housing and Settlement Areas and Land Office (DPRKPP) Surabaya City, Irvan Wahyudrajad, previously said that his party had warned the owners of 2,740 buildings in Surabaya that did not have SLF.
"So, we have issued a warning from the mandatory SLF. We have data that there are 2,740 buildings and we have warned all of them because many of them do not know what SLF is", said Irvan.