From 63 Cases, Mouth And Nail Diseases In Central Lombok Soared To 600, Health Office Claims Hundreds Of Cows Have Recovered

NTB - The Department of Agriculture and Livestock of Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) stated that an epidemic of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) that has attacked the community's cattle has begun to spread. From the beginning it was around 378, now it's 600.

"The total number of cattle affected by FMD has reached 600. However, hundreds have recovered after treatment and spraying of disinfectants", said Head of Central Lombok Department of Agriculture and Livestock Lalu Taufikurahman in Praya, Antara, Friday, May 20.

The case of FMD in Central Lombok was initially found in Kelebuh Village, Central Praya District as many as 63 individuals.

Then it increased to 378 individuals spread over four villages in two sub-districts, namely Kelebuh Village, Puyung Village, Barejulat Village, and Sukarara Village, Jonggat District.

Furthermore, from the latest data to date, the FMD outbreak has occurred in seven villages in four sub-districts, namely in Kelebuh Village, Central Praya District, Puyung, Barejulat, Sukarara, and Nyerot Villages, Jonggat District, Sukaraje Village, East Praya District, and Banyu Urip Village, West Praya District.

"So the FMD began to spread in seven villages in four sub-districts", he said.

For this reason, the regional government has temporarily closed all animal markets to limit the movement of traffic in and out of livestock to prevent the spread of the FMD outbreak. In addition to the mass treatment of cattle affected by FMD, several collective cages were also closed or locked down.

"We also urge the public not to panic, because so far no cattle have died from the FMD outbreak. The Batunyale and Barebali animal markets are temporarily closed", he said. 

Previously, the Central Lombok Government noted that hundreds of cattle affected by the mouth and nail disease (FMD) outbreak had started to recover after treatment and spraying of disinfectant, namely 168 heads. Meanwhile, hundreds of other cows are still in the process of being treated.