Dear Parents In Bandarlampung, Mayor Urges Children To Bring Supplies To Prevent Acute Hepatitis
LAMPUNG - Mayor of Bandarlampung, Eva Dwiana, appealed to parents to provide their children with food so they don't buy snacks at school to anticipate acute hepatitis.
"I remind parents to provide their children with food from home so they can suppress this mysterious hepatitis", said Eva Dwiana, in Bandarlampung, Thursday, May 12.
According to her, the disease that attacks children aged 16 years and under must be anticipated early on. Therefore, health protocols still have to be implemented in schools.
"This mysterious hepatitis attacks children 16 years and under. This means that junior high school, elementary and kindergarten students are vulnerable. This is what I'm afraid of and very vulnerable to, so school principals and teachers can remind children of health protocols", she said.
The Head of the Bandarlampung City Health Service, Desti Mega Putri added, that to prevent the transmission of acute hepatitis whose cause is still mysterious to children, health protocols must still be applied.
"So the health protocol is not only to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 but also mysterious hepatitis that attacks children under the age of 16", she said.
Then, she continued, it is recommended for parents to also provide their children with food from home because this disease is contagious, one of which is from eating utensils.
"The point is to prevent all kinds of diseases, including acute hepatitis, we must apply a healthy and clean lifestyle (PHBS) and apply health protocols", she concluded.