Starting Today, Basic Food Assistance And Cooking Oil Subsidy For 51.847 Kudus Residents Have Been Distributed

KUDUS - A total of 51.847 residents of Kudus Regency in Central Java Province received cooking oil subsidies and assistance for basic food (sembako) from the central government.

"The distribution of aid worth IDR 300.000 for each recipient of assistance which is a cooking oil subsidy and assistance for the basic food program was started today by the Post Office together with the Kudus Regency Government," said Kudus Regent Hartopo while attending the distribution of aid at the Jurang Village Hall, Gebog District, Kudus, as reported by the Jakarta Pos, Antara, Tuesday, April 12.

He said the data on recipients of aid came from the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Kudus Regency Government, and PT Pos only in charge of distributing it.

The head of the Office of Social Affairs, Women's Empowerment, Child Protection, Population Control, and Family Planning in Kudus Regency Mundir said that the recipients of direct cash assistance to compensate for the increase in cooking oil prices included recipients of non-cash food assistance, beneficiaries of the Family Hope Program, and street vendors.

Head of the Kudus Branch Post Office Nola Wahyuni said that residents who had received a notification letter from PT Pos, which was submitted through the village government, could take assistance to the Post Office according to schedule.

"The condition is that they must bring their identity cards, family cards, and proof that they have been vaccinated against COVID-19," she said.

The central government provided direct cash assistance of IDR 100.000 per family per month for the period April, May, and June 2022 as compensation for the increase in cooking oil prices. In addition, the government provides assistance worth IDR 200.000 per family in the basic food assistance program.

Nola said that the distribution of cooking oil subsidies and basic food assistance was scheduled to last until April 28, 2022.

In Jurang Village, the number of residents registered as recipients of cooking oil subsidies and basic food assistance is 684 people.