Asked To Demolish The Wisma Atlet Hambalang Which Was Built Under SBY's Era, KPK: Not Related To Evidence, So There's No Authority
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) has asked the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to demolish the Wisma Atlet in Hambalang, West Java, which was built during the reign of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
MAKI Coordinator Boyamin Saiman said the demolition was deemed necessary. The goal is that the assets that have stalled due to corruption cases during the construction process do not become political fritters.
"To prevent the building assets from stalling and becoming an eternal temple, there must be legal steps from the KPK to carry out the execution of the case decision in the form of being torn down," said Boyamin in his statement quoted on Tuesday, April 12.
Not only that, but the demolition is also necessary so that the unclear designation of the building does not serve as a reminder of the anti-corruption commission's failure to investigate allegations of corruption.
Moreover, the construction of the athlete's house can no longer be continued because it is contrary to a court decision that has permanent legal force. Thus, Boyamin thought that the demolition of the stalled building should be carried out.
Regarding this request, Acting Spokesperson for the KPK for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, said that his party was not authorized to manage the assets in Hambalang. This information is submitted based on submissions from the Directorate of Evidence Management and Execution (Labuksi).
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"Regarding that, we must first see the extent of the building. Whether the evidence is included or not. If then it is part of the evidence, then the management is the responsibility of the KPK through the Directorate of Evidence Management and Execution," said Ali to reporters.
"However, the information from friends at the Labuksi Directorate is not related to evidence, so of course there is no KPK authority in it," he added.
For information, a number of politicians from the Democratic Party were entangled in the corruption case in the construction of the athlete's homestead. They include Angelina Sondakh, Andi Mallarangeng to Anas Urbaningrum.