BPBD DKI: 10 Subdistricts Are Prone To Liquefaction

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) reminded residents in 10 sub-districts in South Jakarta and East Jakarta to be aware of land prone to liquefaction as of March 2022.

"According to information from the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG), several areas in DKI Jakarta are in the middle zone," said Head of BPBD DKI Isnawa Adji in Jakarta, Monday, April 4.

In that zone, soil liquefaction may occur if the rainfall is above normal, especially in areas bordering river valleys, escarpments, road cliffs, or if the slopes are disturbed.

He explained that areas that have the potential for landslides to occur are arranged based on the results of overlapping maps of the landslide susceptibility zone and the monthly rainfall forecast map from the BMKG.

The 10 sub-districts and uploaded to the Instagram account @bpbddkijakarta are:

1. South Jakarta, covering the districts of Cilandak, Jagakarsa, Kebayoran Baru, Kebayoran Lama, Mampang Prapatan, Pancoran, Pasar Minggu, Pesanggrahan.

2. East Jakarta, covering the Kramat Jati and Pasar Rebo sub-districts.

For this reason, DKI BPBD asks the village head, sub-district head, and the community to keep anticipating the potential for ground movement when rainfall is above normal.