Bukittinggi Rocked By A 4.5 Magnitude Earthquake At The Beginning Of Ramadan

BUKITTINGGI - The people of Bukittinggi City, West Sumatra, felt a strong earthquake with a magnitude of 4.5 on Monday, April 4, at a depth of 10 kilometers.

The earthquake was felt strongly in the City of Bukittinggi and parts of Agam Regency and in several other areas in West Sumatra, such as Pariaman, Solok, Payakumbuh, Fifty Cities, and Tanah Datar.

"I immediately woke up and tried to run out of the house with the children, but Alhamdulillah, fortunately, it only lasted a few seconds, at the mosque I heard people who recited the Koran immediately praying," said one resident, Basa (46) in Bukittinggi, quoted by Antara.

BMKG released that the earthquake occurred at 01.14 western Indonesia time with the epicenter located at 0.20 South Latitude, 100.34 East Longitude, 12 kilometers Northwest of Bukittinggi City with a depth of 10 kilometers.

Although there have been no reports of losses from the earthquake that occurred, the residents of Bukittinggi City were quite surprised by the shaking of the earthquake.

"Maybe it's a sign that God is with us, given a warning through an earthquake, may we always be protected, Amen," said another resident, Nora (32).

West Sumatra was last hit by a large-scale earthquake on Friday (25/02/2022) centered on the land slopes of Mount Talamau, West Pasaman Regency.

The earthquake that left more than 20 people dead and tens of thousands of people being evacuated had the biggest impact on Malampah Pasaman and Kajai West Pasaman.