Exclusive, Iman Brotoseno: TVRI Consistently Caring For Culture And Traditions

The Public Broadcasting Institution (LPP) of the Republic of Indonesia Television (TVRI) after the presence of private television is indeed not as popular as it used to be when there were no competitors. Lately, the programs that are served are no more famous than the programs on private television. However, said Iman Brotoseno, President Director of LPP TVRI, until now the institution he leads is still consistent in caring for Indonesian culture and traditions.


Competition in the television industry is so tight. This makes television industry players compete in presenting programs that are oriented towards rating and audience share from Nielsen Media Research. This situation, according to Iman Brotoseno, is unavoidable. But for TVRI as LPP they must stick to the vision and mission mandated by law.

Iman admits that his party is not against the data that Nielsen regularly releases, in fact, his party also subscribes to it. However, due to various considerations, they did not use the data as a benchmark. “I understand that private TV always refers to data from Nielsen in rating and audience share. I'm not against this data, in fact, we also subscribe. However, we do not use this data as a benchmark. Because there are different understandings, and TVRI has a public function that cannot be ignored," he said.

It is because of this role that cultural and tradition-based programs have a special place. “So far, we have consistently preserved culture, nurtured traditions, and became a social glue tool. We are also at the forefront to protect the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and Pancasila. So far we have been able to carry out our duties to provide public services related to these public functions. We are on the right track,” said Iman.

As a public television, TVRI will indeed be compared with similar televisions in foreign countries such as CCTV (China), NHK (Japan), BBC (England) and CNA (Singapore), and others. In addition to targeting Indonesian people both living in Indonesia and abroad, TVRI through the TVRI World Channel is also projected to become a propaganda tool for Indonesia in the outside world. "Compared to public television in other countries, we still have a lot to improve and learn so that it can actually become as expected," he told Edy Suherli, Savic Rabos, and Rifai who met him recently at the LPP TVRI office, Senayan Central Jakarta. Here is the full excerpt.

According to Iman Brotoseno, the main function of LPP TVRI is to serve the public interest. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

TVRI has the task of providing healthy information, education and entertainment services to the public, to what extent has this role been implemented?

As mandated by law, there are public functions that must be carried out, such as providing accurate and healthy information. Then preserve culture, maintain tradition and become a social glue tool. We are also at the forefront to protect the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and Pancasila. So far we have been able to carry out our duties to provide public services related to these public functions. We're on the right track. Currently, we have many programs that may not be too commercial and may not be too popular when compared to programs on private television. We continue to run it because this is a task that is mandated by TVRI.

What are the programs in question?

For example, we have programs on how to take care of culture and traditions, traditional music and other things with traditional nuances. If on other national TV maybe only pop music or dangdut music. We take care of keroncong music, jazz, country, rock as well as indie music through existing music programs.

We also have an MSME program packaged in a contemporary way. His name is Patent, it stands for creative and cool youth. This is also in accordance with President Jokowi's direction when he accepted me who asked TVRI to make a program with the MSME platform. Maybe other TVs don't see that as something interesting, that's okay.

In the field of tourism, we make the Pesona Indonesia program. We also promote culture, tourism, and this is a highlight on TVRI. How do we promote coastal tourism or destinations in various parts of Indonesia.

What else besides that?

Religious programs such as pulpits for Confucianism, Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam, of course, have also been consistent with us from the beginning. I am not worried that TVRI will be abandoned by viewers because the program is considered non-commercial. If you refer to Nielsen's data, there are only 11 big cities from Medan to Jakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar, and even Makassar in Eastern Indonesia.

Actually, TVRI is the TV that has the most coverage throughout the country. We have 361 transmitters that reach all corners of the country, national borders, mountains, and villages. If private TV varies, there are 10, 50, 60, and 80 transmitters. This is the power of TVRI which is very broad in scope.

The development of new media, and social media is very fast now, how to deal with this?

We don't forget the times, so now we understand that YouTube is a new medium. We also have to adapt, now that TVRI's programs have changed a lot. When called by the president, he also hoped that TVRI's audience share would be changed from retirement age to millennials whose ages range from 16 to 36. I agree with that. So TVRI's programs also changed their appearance. Events for MSMEs are packed with contemporary youth styles in terms of shooting, composition, and editing.

There is also a remake of a previously successful program, called Losmen Reborn. The story is adapted to the present, the players are also new. There is Ray Sahetapy, Dewi Yull, and others. We asked for director Andi Yusuf Bachtiar (director of Love for Sale). This will be stripped, so TVRI also has a mini series like other TVs. This program is well made according to film standards, because my basics are in films. This will be a new benchmark for TVRI.

Many don't know that TVRI has 4 channels now. National TVRI, Regional TVRI, TVRI Sport and TVRI World. The last one is a channel that broadcasts 24 hours and all in English. This is important for RI propaganda abroad. Like other countries that already have; CCTV (China), NHK (Japan), BBC (UK), and CNA (Singapore). TVRI World contains culture, tourism, investment opportunities, information on Indonesian products and Indonesian diplomacy. For the moment of G20 TVRI was appointed as the broadcaster host. We will maximize TVRI World for this event.

Iman Brotoseno does not agree to compare private television with public television such as TVRI. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

TVRI is considered unable to compete with private television, what is your opinion?

I understand that private TV always refers to data from Nielsen in rating and audience share. I'm not against this data, in fact, we also subscribe. However, we do not use this data as a benchmark. Because there are different understandings, TVRI has a public function that cannot be ignored. We can't make infotainment or gossip shows. Because the task of public television is clear.

According to research results from the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) a few months ago with 12 state universities in Indonesia, TVRI's news content was the best among private TV stations. In addition, religious content and children's content also get the best predicate. For travel and travel content, TVRI is number two after MetroTV. So our results weren't too bad.

According to research by the Reuters Institute and Oxford University last year, TVRI was chosen as one of the most trusted media by the public in Indonesia. We have become a medium of reference, such as a clearinghouse. If TVRI wants to compete with private TV, the problem is not apple to apple either. We can't argue about that because we don't have a choice.

TVRI is the television with the widest range of broadcasts. Until now, which areas have not been reached by TVRI broadcasts? What is the target for expanding broadcast reach?

Indonesia is very broad. Until now, TVRI's broadcasts have only reached 78 percent of the population. Especially in eastern Indonesia, in the interior of Papua, it has not been reached. We continue to build transmitters. If the nationwide digitalization plan is realized, we hope that at least 92 percent of coverage will increase. So it's only 8 percent, I think that's the maximum because it's not easy to land on islands with varying contours.

TVRI still depends on the state, this makes it difficult to compete with private TV, what is your view?

Actually, we have freedom, but in accordance with the mandate of the law, independent TVRI is not partisan and neutral. Even though we are state TV, we are not state TV. We are public TV with public function. Because our budget from our state budget cannot be arbitrary, such as the private sector beating the government and having a strange setting agenda. TVRI cannot possibly groan state officials, or criticize in an elegant way, yes. That is TVRI's standard in conveying input.

When ministries and agencies request a live broadcast, for example, they must meet the existing criteria. Unlike RI-1 (President) and RI-2 (Vice President). But for our ministries and institutions we have our own autonomy. I can also refuse a live broadcast request from a political party.

In your opinion, TVRI's legal entity, which is appropriate, is the Foundation, LPP or Persero?

LPP is the best choice, because it has to maintain this public function to side with the public. If it becomes a state-owned company, it becomes a state-owned company. LPP is under the direct president. There is a voice suggesting TVRI to become a Public Service Agency. I think this is the most ideal.

How is TVRI's readiness to switch from analog to digital or analog switch off (ASO)?

Although the ASO will be implemented in stages starting April 30, 2022, August 25, 2022 and November 22, 2022, we are ready at any time. This is because TVRI has conducted a digital broadcast trial in 2016. Almost all TVRI stations in the regions have alternated digital and analog broadcasts. What's not ready is the TV next door.

The development of new media and social media makes people leave conventional television, how to respond to it?

One day, TV will no longer be enjoyed in conventional ways, even now people may no longer watch TV the way we do with family in the middle or we watch alone in our room or listeners in front of the TV, that's not the case anymore. TV will be enjoyed via mobile with gadgets and the internet. So in the end the content that determines. Millennials are now looking for 80 percent of their news on social media. The news that we make must be related to social media. We build new media by creating Youtube and Tiktok channels. This year, I target that we have OTV like MOLATV. So we can sell the program to the audience. By showing the restored old program.

Iman Brotoseno, Shark Hunting to Africa

Before serving as Director of TVRI, Iman Brotoseno has been involved in various professions, he is trying to transmit that experience to TVRI now. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

Prior to his position as the number one person at the TVRI Public Broadcasting Institution (Televisi Republik Indonesia), Iman Brotoseno had carried out various professions. He is a journalist, photographer, filmmaker, and blogger whose work is not only in Indonesia but also abroad. As a photographer, he even hunted sharks as far as Africa.

His coverage of tourism and the underwater world has been published in various local and foreign magazines as well as his personal blog. Many were amazed when they read the coverage of the trip he did. He succeeded in anesthetizing reading with his writing and camera shots.

One of the tourism coverage that readers admire is about Banda Neira. In his coverage entitled; "Diving in Banda Neira while Tracing the Colonial Splendor of the Middle Ages," he described in detail his journey from Jakarta to Banda Neira. In the article published in the September 2006 issue of Playboy Indonesia Magazine, he described the charm of Banda Neira's tourism from the one that lies on the earth's surface to the no less amazing natural charm under the extraordinary sea. Its beauty is like a hidden paradise.

As a diver, Iman was fascinated by the richness and beauty of the underwater world. One of his interests is the shark, the underwater monster who is often made into films by filmmakers from various parts of the world. “Sharks are very interesting and challenging animals to capture. Although many have done it personally, I am challenged to do the same thing," said the 1989 UI Faculty of Law alumni.

Why do you have to go to Africa or other parts of the world to capture shark activity. Is it not in Indonesian waters? “It is difficult to find white sharks or sharks in Indonesian waters. Here, many sharks are caught by fishermen and become consumption,” he continued.


Since becoming the Director of TVRI, various activities that Iman Brotoseno has been doing have been delayed, he has really focused on TVRI. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

During his time as Director of LPP TVRI, Iman Brotoseno admitted that he could barely carry out his hobby of traveling, which he often did before. Coupled with the pandemic that has ravaged almost the entire earth, there are complete reasons not to be able to do his hobby.

“Since I became the President Director of TVRI, I have been busy making commercial films and feature films. Likewise, my activities as a photographer and writing tourism reports, as before, are difficult to realize,” said the former Chairman of the Indonesian Advertising Film Workers Association 2006-2012.

Iman's days are mostly busy with TVRI affairs, starting from TVRI Central Station in Senayan Jakarta to Regional TVRI spread throughout Indonesia. He had to handle everything. “One of my duties as President Director is to visit Regional TVRI which is spread from Aceh to Papua. Yes, the traveling is a working visit to the regions," he continued.

One of Iman's works that got him discussed was the 3 Srikandi film produced by the Multivision Plus production house. He directed famous film stars such as Reza Rahadian, Bunga Cintra Lestari, Chelsea Islan, and Tara Basro. He devoted all his attention to completing a film based on a true story when Indonesia won a medal for the first time at the 1988 Olympics in Seoul, South Korea.

After that film when will you be directing another film? Received a question like this Iman was silent. A moment later he answered. “There is no time yet, I still have debt for 4 more films. I don't know when it will be realized," he continued.

Color it

Iman Brotoseno wants TVRI to be like other public television stations abroad. (Photo: Savic Rabos, DI: Raga/VOI)

As an expert in the field of making advertisements, and films and is also active in internet media as a blogger. From 2011 until now he has held the position of ASEAN Blogger President.

As a filmmaker, he wants to gradually apply his skills in the world of film in production at TVRI. Not infrequently he directly directs an event for a large and national-scale event.

In making the miniseries Losmen Reborn, which is a remake of the Losmen series that was successful decades ago, Iman collaborated with a widescreen film director; Andi Yusuf Bachtiar whose work is the director of the film Love for Sale. Iman, who is also the director, cannot do this project directly. However, he wanted to make Losmen Reborn based on cinematographic standards that are often made in the film world. "That's why I asked the team at TVRI to invest by buying a representative camera for filmmaking," said Iman, who hoped that this step could be a new benchmark for TVRI.

He is also concerned that TVRI's programs can be accessed by the millennial generation. The trick is to make a program with a kiki approach; in terms of shooting, composition, and editing. And also about the importance of social media as a vehicle for socialization with the public.

"In the past, TVRI's Youtube already existed but it was not optimal, now we are optimizing it. Likewise with other social media such as Tiktok. In the past, one person handled all social media, now we are focusing on it. The goal is to be optimal and right on target,” he explained.


Slowly but surely Iman Brotoseno began to color LPP TVRI. With his background as a filmmaker, photographer, journalist, and blogger, he tries to present something different. However, TVRI remains as a public television that will give more attention to the public interest.

“Actually, TVRI is the TV that has the most coverage throughout the country. We have 361 transmitters that reach all corners of the country, national borders, mountains, and villages. Private TV varies, they have 10, 50, 60, and 80 transmitters. This is the power of TVRI which has a very wide reach.”

Iman Brotoseno