23 Percent Of Mothers In Kupang Use Sweetened Condensed Milk Instead Of Breast Milk

KUPANG - The Abhipraya Insan Cendekia Indonesia Foundation (YAICI) said from the results of the study it was found that around 23 percent of mothers in Kupang still use sweetened condensed milk as a substitute for breast milk (ASI).

"We are working with the Central Board of Muslimat Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) to conduct research on stunting in NTT and from the results of the study it is known that about 23 percent of mothers use sweetened condensed milk as a substitute for breast milk", said YAICI Chairman, Arif Hidayat, to reporters in Kupang, Antara, Wednesday, March 16th.

In a nutrition education discussion attended by several NU Muslimat cadres in Kupang City, Arif said that giving sweetened condensed milk as a substitute for breast milk is not recommended because sweetened condensed milk is only used as a food topping or drink mix.

Moreover, the sweetened condensed milk contains a lot of sugar, glucose and others that toddlers should not give because it will have an impact on health, one of which can cause stunting.

"We obtained this data after we conducted research in 2020. Now this time after today's activity we will also visit areas to check and small surveys about the use of sweetened condensed milk in the community", he added.

He added that in 2017 when his party conducted research, there was an eight-month-old toddler who died due to excess consumption of sweetened condensed milk.

Arif added that of the 400 mothers who were asked about sweetened condensed milk, 97 percent admitted that sweetened condensed milk contained milk that could be used as a substitute for breast milk.

Furthermore, Arif said that the education about nutrition had been through education and outreach through cadres, direct education to the community, research to extracting data directly to people who consumed sweetened condensed milk.

“The problems we found in the field were varied. There are parents who do not know about the content of sweetened condensed milk or even some who already know but still give sweetened condensed milk to their children. The reasons also vary, some are because it is cheaper or the child prefers it", Arif added.