Chusnul: MotoGP Racers Are Summoned To The Palace, Formula E Are Summoned One By One By The KPK, Ledek Anies Baswedan?

JAKARTA - The presence of a number of the world's top racers at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday, March 16, captured the public's attention. One of them came from social media activist, Chusnul Chotimah. Chusnul praised the steps of the central government for successfully holding this international event.

In the midst of the rush of praise at this event, Chusnul mocked the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, who was planning to bring the Formula E event to Jakarta.

Currently, the DKI Provincial Government through PT Jakarta Propertindo is busy working on the Formula E circuit.

According to Chusnul, although the MotoGP event was held in Lombok-NTB, the presence of the riders to meet with Joko Widodo and at the same time hold a parade on the road succeeded in making the world's eyes fall on Jakarta. It's different with Formula E.

"The difference is MotoGP Mandalika and Formula E Ancol. MotoGP will race later in Mandalika, but now it's crowded in Jakarta. Formula E will race later in Ancol, but it's been busy since yesterday at the KPK", Chusnul quipped via his official Twitter, @ChusnulCh__ reported Wednesday, March 16.

Ironically, Chusnul then praised the Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir, who played an important role in the international Mandalika MotoGP. However, Erick Thohir is not that great with Anies Baswedan.

"Mr @erickthohir is great, but even more great, sir @aniesbaswedan",

"MotoGP Mandalika and Formula E Ancol. MotoGP racers were summoned to the palace. Formula E related officials were summoned by the KPK", Chusnul teased.

Several names of international racers were present at the State Palace in Jakarta today. Call it Marc Marquez, Joan Mir, Alex Rins, Francesco Bagnaia, and Jack Miller who directly met face to face with the number one person in Indonesia, Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

Apart from international riders, there are also two Indonesian Moto3 riders, Mario Aji and Idemitsu Asian Talent Cup Veda, Ega Pratama. BUMD PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) is currently working on the construction of the Formula E circuit in the Ancol area, North Jakarta.

Formula E Operation (FEO) in early March came back to Jakarta to see the progress of the circuit work. Jakpro's Vice Managing Director of Formula E, Gunung Kartiko, guarantees that the circuit work can be completed within three months until next April. Then, in May, trials can be carried out, before the implementation on June 4, 2022.