Coal Dust Pollution That Dangers Marunda Residents Leads To Administrative Sanctions For The Perpetrators

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has given administrative sanctions to the perpetrators of coal dust pollution in the Marunda area, North Jakarta. The perpetrator is PT Karya Citra Nusantara (KCN).

This problem was revealed when a member of the PDIP faction of the DKI DPRD, Jhonny Simanjuntak, visited his electoral district. He received complaints from residents of Marunda Flats whose air in their area was polluted with coal dust.

Marunda residents began to feel this air pollution disturbance in 2018. The culprit is PT KCN, which is a port manager that has loading and unloading activities for solid and wet bulk commodities, including coal.

Jhonny said, residents had reported to the local village head to the mayor of North Jakarta. However, as of Monday, March 14, residents have not received a solution for the air pollution originating from the port business entity.

"It is as if there is a process of neglecting the power of large corporations that negates the health factor of the residents. It is as if the DKI Provincial Government considers Marunda residents to be just numbers, not humans," said Jhonny when contacted by VOI, Monday, March 14.

Four years since the coal dust pollution, many residents have complained about their health conditions, ranging from respiratory problems or ARI, skin diseases such as itching, to damage to the eyes.

The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) also intervened. While directly observing the Marunda area, KPAI Commissioner Retno Listyarti received testimonies from a number of residents regarding the impact of coal ash pollution. This impact is getting worse day by day on the health of residents, including children.

"In addition to respiratory diseases that are often experienced by residents, now residents often experience skin diseases that cause itching all over their bodies, even children often wake up at night because of itching that attacks the whole body," said Retno.

One of the testimonies came from a father who has three children who are still in school. To Retno, the father admitted that his family suffers from a skin disease that causes itching all over the body.

With her own eyes, Retno saw the father's son often scratching his body, assisted by his father.

"With teary eyes and a hoarse voice, the father told that his children didn't sleep well at night because the itching was unbearable, even the son once said he couldn't stand it anymore," said Retno.

Coal dust pollution is also proven in the RPTRA of Marunda Flats. Every time, RPTRA officers have to sweep the floor and clean children's toys in the RPTRA yard because coal dust often sticks.

Until finally, the DKI Provincial Government reacted. On Tuesday, March 15, the DKI Environment Agency imposed an administrative sanction on PT KCN. PT KCN was proven to have polluted coal dust in loading and unloading activities which resulted in losses for Marunda residents.

In giving the sanction, the port management company was ordered to improve its environmental management and not pollute the environment.

Head of the North Jakarta Environmental Agency, Achmad Hariadi explained, PT KCN was ordered to improve environmental management as many as 32 items.

In addition, PT KCN must also fulfill 31 other recommendation items contained in the Government Coercive Administrative Sanctions.

"It is hoped that by carrying out the sanctions properly according to the stipulated time period, the management of the environment will be better and not pollute the environment," Hariadi said on Tuesday, March 15.