Find Out Why Setya Novanto's Money Laundering Case Case Is Handled By The Criminal Investigation Unit, KPK Sends A Team Of Deputy Korsup
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will coordinate with the Indonesian National Police-Criminal Investigation Agency through the Deputy for Coordination and Supervision.
This coordination was carried out to question the reason why the police suddenly handled the alleged crime of money laundering (TPPU) by the former chairman of the House of Representatives, Setya Novanto.
"I wonder what the predicate crime is, if the predicate crime is corruption, the KPK will handle it", said KPK Deputy Chair, Alexander Marwata, on the Indonesian KPK YouTube channel, on Friday, March 11.
Alexander admitted that the KPK did not yet know what predicate crime or predicate crime was that caused the Directorate of Economic Crimes to handle Novanto's alleged money laundering. Thus, coordination between these two institutions needs to be carried out.
"We don't know yet what the SN predicate crime is handled by a certain Directorate of Economic Crimes, so they raise or carry out ML investigations", he said.
"But if (related, red) is a corruption crime, of course, we will follow up later because the investigators who carry out or handle corruption cases should be the ones conducting or handling corruption cases. And we have asked for coordination with the Criminal Investigation Unit", added Alexander.
Previously, the Coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI), Boyamin Saiman, asked the KPK to take over the investigation into the alleged money laundering offenses conducted by Setya Novanto. He said the investigation was stalled at the National Police's Criminal Investigation Unit.
"Because the Bareskrim case is no longer running, this must be taken over by the KPK because the main case of e-KTP corruption is with the KPK", said Boyamin.
In addition, the KPK is also being urged to add new suspects in the alleged money laundering offenses. One of the names of the parties who can be named a suspect is businessman Made Oka Masagung.
Made Oka's name emerged because he was suspected of helping the former Golkar Party politician hide the money from the e-KTP corruption with the investment transaction mode in Singapore.
For information, Setya Novanto was sentenced to 15 years in prison and a fine of IDR 500 million, subsidiary to 3 months in prison. In addition, he was required to pay replacement money of 7.3 million US dollars minus the IDR 5 billion that had been deposited with investigators.
The verdict against Setnov was handed down because he was proven to have received US$7.3 million from the procurement of the e-KTP project which resulted in state losses of up to IDR 2.3 trillion. In addition, he is said to have influenced the budgeting process, procurement of goods and services, as well as the project auction process.