Ahead Of The MotoGP, The Joint Officials Hold A Security Simulation On Gili Tramena

JAKARTA - Joint forces from the National Armed Forces (TNI), National Police (Polri), and government agencies held a security simulation for the 2022 MotoGP, in the tourist area of Gili Tramena (Trawangan, Meno, and Air), North Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara.

North Lombok Resort Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Police I Wayan Sudarmanta who led the activity at Bangsal Harbor, North Lombok, Tuesday, explained that the Gili Tramena tourist area was chosen as the simulation location because it will be one of the entrance corridors for the 2022 MotoGP spectators.

"Therefore, in this simulation we carried out security, starting from shifting spectators from the hotel on the three dyke to escorting the route to Mandalika," said Sudarmanta, quoted in a written statement received in Mataram, Tuesday, March 8.

Before leaving for the Mandalika Circuit, spectators transiting at Bangsal Harbor will first undergo a series of requirements related to preventing the transmission of COVID-19.

"From the port, there will be a body temperature check, a 'scan' of the PeduliLindungi application, and an antigen 'swab' examination," he said as quoted by Antara.

In this series, the police do not run alone. All relevant agencies that participate in this world-class motorcycle racing event will be involved, one of which is the Health Service which has the capacity to perform antigen "swabs".

"Similarly, the actions against the spectators who are positive for COVID-19, what steps we must take, we simulate and how the non-positive ones are taken to the bus to be escorted to Mandalika," he said.

The police chief said that later there would be five posts for security as well as those that function as integrated service centers.

"The locations will be on Gili Trawangan, Bangsal Harbor, Simpang Empat Pemenang, the Bayan area, and the border with West Lombok on the Senggigi route, in Kelui," he said.

He said that securing the lane from traffic jams was also a concern. His party carries out traffic engineering by preparing two paths that can be passed to the Mandalika Circuit. The Senggigi line is the main route for vehicle traffic and the Pusuk Forest route is an alternative choice.

"If there is a traffic jam on the Senggigi lane, we will divert the flow of vehicles to the Pusuk lane," he said.