The Benefits Of Part-Time Workers In Argentina, Get Paid With Bitcoin, Ethereum, And Solana

JAKARTA – Part-time workers in Argentina experienced a significant increase. There they get paid in the form of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and so on. Because of this, the demand for part-time jobs has increased sharply.

A report titled “State of Global Hiring 2021,” by Deel, a global hiring firm, has found that Argentines, and Latin American countries in general, are increasingly focused on international companies and jobs. The report explains that this is likely the result of a downturn in the local economy and jobs due to the side effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, the company employs more Argentines than ever before. This has resulted in an increase in the wages of Argentineans in the last six months, who earn 21 percent more by working in the marketing, product, and sales sectors. As a result, cryptocurrency withdrawals from this salary also increased rapidly.

“We are seeing an increase in cryptocurrency withdrawals, in countries like Argentina. We currently offer withdrawals in BTC – the most popular in Latin America –, ETH, USDC, and SOL through Coinbase,” said Deel COO Dan Westgarth.

The most widely used cryptocurrency for global withdrawals is bitcoin, with 63 percent of transactions, according to a Deel report. Ethereum is in second place by a long way, at around 23 percent of the withdrawals made. USDC, Solana, and Dash are also used for withdrawals but not as much as BTC.

While other countries have different legal situations. In Argentina, accepting cryptocurrencies has been a lifesaver for many freelancers, helping them maintain their purchasing power in a more effective way.

This part-time job platform, along with crypto, is also said to be opening up a new market for workers, who can now be employed on a global level with simplified payment processes.

Argentina is currently trying to regulate and control digital wallets, as its central bank proposes to strengthen the steps that should be taken by providers such as Mercado Pago and Uala regarding KYC-AML as summarized by from News.