Ustaz Derry Sulaiman Defends Oki Setiana "In Islam Can Hit Wife", Habib Husin Shihab: Horror, It's The End Of Time
JAKARTA - Ustaz Derry Sulaiman's defense of Oki Setiana's controversial lecture was responded to sharply by the Chairman of Cyber Indonesia, Habib Husin Shihab.
Habib Husin Shihab could not understand why Ustaz Derry Sulaiman could drag the name of Islam to defend Oki Setiana. "Who is that Ustadz, why is he so arrogant as a person? In Islam, it means that there are teachings in the Koran and Hadith?" quipped Husin Shihab through his Twitter account @HusinShihab, reported Friday, February 4.
Habib Husin is even willing to apostatize if what Ustaz Derry says is true. "I apostatized tonight if indeed the teachings are authentic according to the teachings of Islam Muhammad SAW wa Allah Azza wa Jalla! It's really scary... it's the end of time," he said.
Oki Setiana Dewi's lecture had a long tail after being accused of normalizing domestic violence (KDRT) perpetrated by husbands on their wives. According to Ustaz Derry, it is permissible for a husband to hit wife in Islam but not in the face. According to him, the context in the lecture was that an evil husband beats his wife.
"Can you hit your wife? In Islam, it's okay, but not on the face. The person Ustazah Oki Setiana Dewi told about was an evil man who was unjust to his wife and rude to his wife in the face. But his wife is a pious wife. His wife is a noble woman who always covers up her husband's bad disgrace in front of his parents," he said, quoted from Instagram reels, @derrysulaiman, Friday, February 4, 2022.
Ustaz Derry said Oki's lecture was not in the context of defending domestic violence (KDRT) or what was perpetrated by the evil husband, but the attitude of a wife who is pious and noble in character.
"Even though her husband is like the evil pharaoh, but she still covers up her husband's mistakes. This is a lesson for all of us. Ladies, if you like to badmouth your husbands in front of your parents, it means you are teaching them to hate your husbands,"
"This is the lesson, not just bullying, not insulting. Learn to see the good," he said.
To note, in the lecture, Oki claimed this was based on a true story in Jeddah.
"The husband was very angry, so his wife was beaten in the face. Then his wife cried, suddenly the doorbell rang. When the wife opened her eyes, it turned out that her mother. Even though the wife could complain to her parents. I was just beaten, there was domestic violence, there was domestic violence," said Oki in the video quoted from the Instagram reel @permadiaktivis2, Thursday, February 3.
It turned out that the wife did not tell the sad story of her husband's beating and instead said that she was crying because she missed her parents.
"But the wife said, Oh Allah, I cry because I miss my father and mother. Her husband melted his heart. My wife, Masyaallah, keeps my own disgrace. It's extraordinary, I love her more. So there is no need if stories make us vilify our partner myself," said Oki.