Wilmar, Sania And Fortune Cooking Oil Producer Owned By Conglomerate Martua Sitorus Supports Pricing Of IDR 14,000 Per Liter

JAKARTA - Palm oil producers support the government's policy in the one-price cooking oil program by selling the food commodity at IDR 14.000 per liter.

Executive Director of PT Sari Agroutama Persada from the Wilmar Group, Thomas Muksim said that as one of the producers of cooking oil in Indonesia, his party is ready to carry out government directives, especially those concerning the needs of the community.

"Wilmar is always ready and proud to participate with the government in the procurement and distribution of cheap cooking oil for all Indonesians," he said in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, January 25.

According to him, this step is expected to help the community to more easily obtain cooking oil at a more affordable price. For this reason, all brands of cooking oil produced by Wilmar, owned by the conglomerate Martua Sitorus, are currently being marketed at IDR 14.000 per liter.

Thomas explained that this cooking oil producer with the Sania and Fortune brands will work with all distributors in Indonesia to ensure that their products can reach evenly.

He also hopes that people will not panic buying (buying excessively) so that the stock of cooking oil of IDR 14.000 is sufficient, especially since the government has guaranteed its availability in the market to meet the needs of the community.

"In the future, together with the government, we are ready to evaluate this program so that it will be faster and better throughout Indonesia," he said.

Previously, he added, his party had contributed to the simple packaged oil program which was implemented since November 2021. By the end of the year, the agribusiness company had distributed 1.1 million liters of cooking oil throughout Indonesia, exceeding the government's target of one million liters.

"This step is a form of company support for the cooking oil price stabilization program," said Thomas.