DKI DPRD Criticized For Questioning The UMP Increase But They Stay Silent When Their Allowances Increase

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta DPRD received criticism when it received an increase in allowances of Rp26.43 billion this year.

Because, on the other hand, the council members questioned the increase in the DKI Jakarta provincial minimum wage (UMP) in 2022 which was revised to 5.1 percent by the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan.

The reason for the increase in DPRD allowances is that they have not increased their income for four years. However, a researcher from the Legislative Monitoring Coalition, Syamsudin, considers this reason inappropriate because the pandemic is still hitting.

"It's not smart to find excuses. The UMP has been criticized because it is still during the pandemic. The people's economic situation is still weak so it shouldn't be extravagant. However, for them, important allowances are increased during the pandemic," said Syamsudin when contacted, Tuesday, January 11.

Indeed, in Government Regulation Number 18 of 2017 concerning Financial and Administrative Rights of Leaders and Members of DPRD, allowances can be increased according to need and taking into account regional financial conditions.

It is different from the salaries of the members of the council which must be in line with the presentation of the increase in the governor's salary. However, this increase in allowances proves that the DPRD does not put social sensitivity into the community.

"Indeed, DPRD salaries cannot just go up because the rules are strict and the percentage must follow the governor's salary increase. Well, this allowance is prone to being played like it likes to be increased," he said.

As is known, so that the amount of the salary and allowance budget is Rp177 billion for all members of the board in one year. The amount of salary and allowances for members of the DKI DPRD last year, namely 2020, was Rp150.94 billion.

This is seen in the draft regional regulation regarding the 2022 budget year which has been evaluated by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

This evaluation is stipulated in the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 903-5850 of 2021 concerning the Evaluation of the DKI Jakarta RAPBD for Fiscal Year 2022.

The increase in this allowance they consider reasonable and appropriate. The chairman of the DKI DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, said that if it was calculated, the DPRD allowance was still smaller than the operational allowance for the Governor and Deputy Governor of DKI.

"We deserve this, sir. It's the Minister of Home Affairs who evaluates. If not, the Minister of Home Affairs will write off (the allowance increase budget)," said Prasetyo to reporters, Sunday, January 9.

The PDIP politician also claimed that the increased allowance would be used to help the community. An example is the socialization of government programs.

"Yes, (the allowance goes up) to Rp26 billion for council members. But the money is again not for us, you know. For the community. It was increased a little to help the community such as socialization. It was the allowance that was made to inform the public," he said.