Central Java Police Chief Receives Award For Enforcement Of Wildlife Law

SEMARANG - Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi and Central Java Deputy Chief of Police Brigadier General Abioso Seno Aji received an award from the Directorate General of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, RI.

The award was handed over directly to Ir. Wiratno, as Director-General of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation (KSDAE) at the Central Java Regional Police, Thursday 6 December.

According to the Director-General of KSDAE, the Ministry of Environment appreciates any individual or organization that has a strong commitment to environmental conservation.

"We give this award for the support of good cooperation in law enforcement of the circulation of wild animals and their parts that are protected by law in Central Java Province during 2021," said Wiratno, based on information received, Thursday, December 6.

Wiratno, that this award is the 1,822th. Previously, similar awards have also been given to various groups who have contributed positively to efforts to protect and preserve wildlife as well as the environment and natural ecosystems in Indonesia.

"We give awards to any community leaders, government, religious scholars who support and contribute to efforts to preserve the environment and wildlife," he added.

The Central Java Police Chief is committed that he will continue to provide the best service in an effort to preserve wildlife and the environment in Central Java Province.

"We will continue to strive to preserve the survival of wild animals and preserve the environment," said the Police Chief.

It was noted that during the period of 2021, the Central Java Police had revealed 3 criminal acts of wildlife trafficking. The three cases were handled by the Ditreskrimsus. So far, the Central Java Police have tried to contribute to preserving the environment and enforce strict rules to support the government's commitment to preserving the environment.

In order to prevent the free trade of protected wildlife from occurring, in October 2021 the Central Java Police in collaboration with the Central Java BKSDA formed a Wildlife Protection Command Post.