Take A Peek At The Excitement Of Japanese Billionaire Yusaku Maezawa Showing Off His Activities While On The Space Station

JAKARTA - The billionaire and businessman from Japan, Yusaku Maezawa, who recently flew to the International Space Station (ISS) has shared many videos that contain what life is like there.

Through his YouTube channel, Maezawa shares this extraordinary experience in Earth orbit. She shows everything from how to do normal activities in microgravity, the clothes she wears to the stunning views outside the ISS window.

Maezawa was not alone on that journey. He brought in producer and videographer Yozo Hirano and cosmonaut Alexander Misurkin. The trio arrived on the ISS aboard the Russian Soyuz spacecraft on December 8.

A little bit about Maezawa's experience on the ISS through the video he shared, he showed how the condition of the toilets available at the ISS in the Russian module section was. Not just recording, Maezawa gave a thorough explanation on how to manage the toilet, using hoses and sanitary wipes. He also gives advice on how to avoid unpleasant odors and messes.


In another video, Maezawa shows a view from one of the Russian modules. Unfortunately, he cannot reach Cupola on the American side of the station unless he is accompanied by a cosmonaut. However, time in orbit is invaluable for professional astronauts, whose daily schedules are usually packed with research.

"I'm actually right next to this window which shows the Earth very clearly. There's a lot of backlights, but can you see? I think a lot of people are asking, Is it really blue? or Is it really round? You see, it's really round and really blue. It's really beautiful," Maezawa said in the video, quoted from Space, Monday, December 20.

Maezawa then states in his video how complicated brushing teeth is in space, "I'm the type to use (toothpaste) a lot," joked Maezawa as he carefully squirted toothpaste onto his toothbrush.

In another video, Maezawa shows how to enjoy the microgravity experience. He promised at first to float quietly and not move a finger. After closing his eyes and opening them, he was confused and directionless. This is a challenge for humans to adapt to outer space.

In the next video, Maezawa also doesn't forget to show the clothes he wore while on the ISS. Here we learn more about the various items of clothing that Maezawa brought on his orbital journey. He also highlighted the joys and challenges of taking photos while aboard a moving spaceship.

To reach the ISS, Maezawa and Hirano booked their trip through the company Virginia Space Adventures. For information, Maezawa and the other two crew members only stayed for a week, and yesterday on December 19, he had returned to Earth.

Check out Maezawa's full video here.