Police Explains The Roles Of 4 Terrorists Arrested In Batam

JAKARTA - The National Police explained the role of suspected terrorists who were arrested in Batam. Some of them are referred to as fundraisers through the Syam Organizer. Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division, Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan, stated that the suspected terrorists who raised the funds were AG, WF, and YU.

"This AG was the former Chair of the Syam Organizer for the 2021 period (until it was finally dissolved) and was also the coordinator of the Riau Islands Syam Organizer in the Central Syam Organizer activities", Ramadhan said in his statement, Saturday, December 18.

In addition, from the results of the investigation, the suspected terrorist AG had also become a representative of the Riau Archipelago's Syam Organizer in the framework of the National Working Meeting held in Jogjakarta.

In which, the National Rekernas relates to efforts to financially assist the Khidmad program in fulfilling the Matlubin and Masjunin carried out by other Baitul Ma'al because of the JI emergency.

Then for the role of the suspected terrorist, WF, said Ramadhan, not much different from AG. This is because he also participated in the National Working Meeting and served as secretary of the Syam Organizer for the 2016 period, as well as treasurer for the 2018-2021 period.

"As a representative, he handed over 80 million to DS (KAP) Treasurer Syam, the Central Organizer at the Yogyakarta Head Office", said Ramadhan.

Furthermore, the suspected terrorist YU is said to have participated in the National Working Meeting. At that time, he served as the former chairman of the Syam Organizer for the period 2018-2020

"As a representative who handed over an average of 100 million in cash. The 50 percent of the funds were put into the official Syam Organizer Central treasury, and 50 percent was put into a special safe to be used as stock if there was a request from Jamaah Islamiyah", said Ramadhan.

Of the four suspected terrorists who were arrested, only MU had a different role. He is the regional coordinator for the Riau Islands and alumni of the Ngruki Solo Islamic boarding school affiliated with Jamaah Islamiyah.

"Once I came at the invitation of Ust. AK, JI North Sumatra in the context of discussing the development of JI's da'wah and recruitment in the Riau region", he said.