Mount Semeru Up To Level III, PVMBG Requests Activities In The Southeast Region Until Tomorrow Kobokan Stopped Temporarily

JAKARTA - The increase in the status of Mount Semeru from level II or 'alert' to level III or 'alert' needs to be a concern, considering that Hot Abortion Clouds (APG) still have the potential to occur.

Head of the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG), Andiani, said the increase in the status of Mount Semeru was followed by an expansion of the coverage area affected by volcanic material in the southeastern region which extended to the west and east sides of the main lava flow path at Besuk Kobokan.

Therefore, PVMBG requested that all activities along the route be stopped and vacated as far as 13 kilometers from the summit.

"There is still the potential for APG and earthquakes on the surface. We ask that all community activities on the southeast side up to Besuk Kobokan be temporarily suspended", Andiani said as quoted from a written statement, Friday, December 17.

Andiani added that efforts to accelerate the handling of the Mount Semeru APG disaster such as cleaning volcanic materials, opening roads, evacuating, and restoring facilities and infrastructure by all joint stakeholders are still possible.

However, the entire team on duty must always coordinate with the Mount Semeru Volcano Observation Post (PGA).

"Limited rescue is still possible but must coordinate with the monitoring post. Other recovery efforts are still possible but limited and must coordinate with the Volcano Observation Post", said Andiani.

Andiani also asked all communities around Mount Semeru to always update information related to the development and increase in the level of Mount Semeru through PVMBG, Mount Semeru Volcano Observation Post (PGA), BNPB, Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), and other relevant agencies.

She hopes that the public will not be provoked by rumors and untrue news spread by irresponsible parties.