Reddish Clouds Accompanied By Lightning In East Java Becomes A Discussion, This Is BMKG's Explanation

SURABAYA - Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Juanda officer stated that the occurrence of red clouds accompanied by lightning that became the talk of residents was an atmospheric optical phenomenon.

"The phenomenon of clouds that look red is a common thing", said BMKG Data and Information Coordinator Juanda, Teguh Tri Susanto, in response to the circulation of several pictures and videos in a group conversation about red clouds which are said to have occurred in the Malang and Mojokerto areas, quoted by Antara, Monday, December 13.

He said, BMKG has seen, monitored, and analyzed some data and it can be conveyed that this is an example of an atmospheric optical phenomenon.

"The reddish color of the clouds and the sky around them is due to the refraction of sunlight by particles in the atmosphere, resulting in low energy, long waves, and a reddish color", he said.

According to BMKG, the lower the sun's position from the horizon line, the lower the red light that is achieved.

"This reddish sky phenomenon usually occurs in the late afternoon", he said.

He said that in the late afternoon, Juanda BMKG radar observed a lot of Cumulonimbus cloud growth around the location in the video.

"Cumulonimbus clouds are the only type of cloud that can produce lightning. Lightning strikes from these clouds add to the reddish glow of the sky", he said.

The public is asked not to panic, to always monitor and seek valid information so as to avoid irresponsible issues.