This Is The Amount Of Budget Received By Mass Organizations Every Year, 2022 Almost Reaches IDR 1 Billion

JAKARTA - The polemic of mass organizations towards the end of 2021 has attracted the attention of the Head of the Office of National Unity and Politics (Kesbangpol) Karawang Sujana Ruswana. With the news in various mass media, Sujana hopes that the existence of mass organizations can be felt by the community and local governments.

Sujana explained that basically the existence of mass organizations aims to support and participate in regional development.

Data from the Office of National Unity and Politics (Kesbangpol) of Karawang Regency, notes that the number of mass organizations that are established every year is increasing. There is always a new mass organization, said Sujana.

"Since the last few years until now, every year in Karawang there is always a new mass organization," explained Sujana Ruswana quoting Antara, Friday, December 10.

He said, according to the records of the local Kesbangpol, the addition of the number of mass organizations per year was four to five new mass organizations.

According to him, until now the number of mass organizations registered in Kesbangpol Karawang is 600 mass organizations.

However, of that number, only 270 mass organizations are legal entities and are registered, the rest are still not controlling the administration.

Sujana said that his party annually distributes operational budgets for mass organizations in Karawang which are part of the efforts to foster mass organizations.

In 2020 and 2021, Kesbangpol Karawang allocates a total budget for operational assistance for mass organizations of around IDR 500 million.

Then next year or 2022, his party has allocated a budget of around IDR 700 million per year for operational assistance for mass organizations.

"The amount of operational assistance that we distribute to mass organizations varies, a minimum of IDR 10 million per year," he also said.