Transjakarta Bus Accident Audit Starts, The National Transportation Safety Committee Highlights Reckless Factors To Driver's Fatigue

JAKARTA - The National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) will begin to conduct a thorough audit to find the cause of the Transjakarta bus accidents that have often occurred recently.
Head of KNKT Soerjanto Tjahjono said that one of the things that were highlighted was the human factor, namely the condition of the Transjakarta bus driver while driving.
"One of the areas we will look at is primarily the issue of human factors. The issue of human factors has become the dominant issue," Soerjanto told reporters, Wednesday, December 8.
Soerjanto said that a number of driver conditions that might occur during a bus accident ranged from negligence to fatigue.
"Indeed it will get there (checking the driver's condition), because the driver is not secure, maybe he is a bit reckless, and the effects of fatigue. We will definitely see that," said Soerjanto.
Soerjanto views Transjakarta bus drivers can get tired quickly. This is because buses are driven in corridors whose routes are long and straight, and are limited by concrete separators.
"Because the Transjakarta unit runs in the corridor, which causes tremendous fatigue for the driver. The effect of giving fatigue (tiredness) is quite dominant. If there is no corridor, there is no barrier, the driver can relax a bit," explained Soerjanto.
"This is not a matter of competence, yes, but indeed there is a limit to human performance. Concentration continues, looking at something is tired. Well, we have to pay attention to these factors," he added.
Meanwhile, a comprehensive audit conducted by the NTSC will look for room for improvement in four aspects, namely organization and management, crew readiness, vehicle airworthiness, and route hazard mapping.