Britain And Israel Will Work Together To Stop Iran From Acquiring Nuclear Weapons

JAKARTA - Britain and Israel will work day and night to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power, the foreign ministers of the two countries wrote in a joint article.

"The clock is ticking, which increases the need for close cooperation with our partners and friends to thwart Tehran's ambitions," Liz Truss of Britain and her Israeli counterpart Yair Lapid wrote in the Telegraph newspaper on Sunday, citing Reuters November 29.

A day earlier, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said his country was deeply concerned that world powers would remove sanctions on Iran in exchange for inadequate curbs on its nuclear program.

This is related to the negotiations that will be held in Vienna, Austria this Monday, regarding the last effort to save the 2015 Nuclear Deal between Iran and world powers.

Meanwhile, Israel and Britain will sign a 10-year agreement on Monday to cooperate in areas such as cybersecurity, technology, trade, and defense, according to the Telegraph.

The foreign ministers added in the article that Israel will officially become Britain's 'tier one' cyber partner, in a bid to bolster its cyber defenses as countries around the world face increasing threats.