7 Students SLB Wonosari Gunungkidul Positive COVID-19

GUNUNGKIDUL - The Gunungkidul District Health Office, Special Region of Yogyakarta, confirmed reports of seven students from the SLB Negeri I Wonosari (State Special School) being confirmed COVID-19 due to face-to-face learning. 

"That's right. Special school students in Wonosari. As for the other schools, the results haven't come out yet", Dewi said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 25.

To prevent transmission at SLB Negeri I Wonosari, Dewi continued, her party continues to carry out tracing testing and treatment efforts.

"Of course we will investigate residents who have close contact with positive students", he said.

He also said the addition of daily COVID-19 cases in Gunungkidul was still volatile. The current condition, the transmission of COVID-19 in Gunungkidul is still sloping. Residents are asked to continue to comply with health protocols to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19.

"We appeal to the public not to be negligent and to be disciplined in carrying out health protocols to fight COVID-19", he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of SLB Negeri I Wonosari Widi Pranyata said there were a total of 174 students and 52 employees and teachers. As of Thursday, November 25, there have been 129 children who have undergone mass swab tests. As for the results, seven students tested positive for COVID-19.

According to him, mass swabs were carried out based on random swab test activities at schools. According to the program, initially, the testing will be done randomly. However, after coordination with the public health center, it was decided that the swab test should be carried out thoroughly to all students, employees, and teachers.

"There are still some that have not been tested and the rest will be swab tests on Monday, November 29 and Tuesday, November 30", said Widi.

He said the seven students who tested positive for COVID-19 came from several sub-districts such as Semanu and Ponjong. In addition, when declared infected, the students were in good condition because there were no symptoms.

"For example, two students who were in the dormitory, even though they tested positive, were still in good health", he said.

The impact of the positive students, the face-to-face learning at SLB Negeri 1 Wonosari was temporarily suspended. The students are also in self-isolation.

“We are re-implementing distance learning. The plan is until December 6, but it is still very situational because it depends on the results of the follow-up swab test", he said.

He hopes that the transmission in the school environment can be immediately contained so that face-to-face teaching and learning activities can be continued.

"Hopefully, no more students, teachers, or employees will be infected with COVID-19", he hoped.