Sad News Comes From Former KPK Employee, Nanang Priyono Passes Away After A Stroke

JAKARTA - A former employee of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) who was expelled for failing to become a State Civil Apparatus (ASN), Nanang Priyono, died today, November 23.

This sad news was conveyed by a fellow former KPK employee, Ita Khoiriyah or who is usually called Tata through his Twitter account. He said that Nanang, who was previously the Head of the Human Resources Division of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), died after suffering a stroke.

"Innalillahi Wainna Ilaihirojiun. One of our colleagues at IM57+ Mr. Nanang Priyono (former Head of the Yanpeg Division of the KPK HR Bureau), died this afternoon", he wrote via his Twitter account @tatakhoriyah on Tuesday, November 23.

Tata said Nanang had a stroke during the bustle of the assessment. The National Insight Test (TWK) took place some time ago. This test is known to be a condition for transferring the status of a KPK employee.

"He had a stroke while facing the hustle and bustle of TWK", said Tata.

He then invited anyone to pray for Nanang. "Please pray for him, may the deceased be accepted by his deeds of worship and the family will be given fortitude", he concluded.