5 Kinds Of Thoughts You Should Avoid So As Not To Damage Your Marriage

JAKARTA - Maybe you think that being honest and having open communication is enough to make a harmonious marriage relationship. But as it turned out, that wasn't enough.

According to the psychologist who wrote the book Why You Can't Read My Mind, Jeffrey Bernstein, Ph.D., there are other things in mind that also affect relationships with your partner. He was told again that during his 30-year career and doing various counseling with troubled couples, he saw that there were five types of thoughts that could damage a relationship.

Be wary if you have thoughts like these, which will ruin your relationship with your partner.

Always assume you married the wrong partner

This is the kind of mind that assumes that everything a partner does is wrong and can never do the right thing. For example, "He always makes mistakes!"

Exaggerating problems

Is where one partner exaggerates negative actions and events that affect the other partner. For example, "If only he had not decided to resign and start his own business which had no prospects, we and our family would not have lost our house and had to start from 0 again."

Partner always understand your wishes

It is a toxic thought in which one person assumes that his partner will fulfill one or more of his needs—simply because he believes that his partner should know those needs. However, this need was never conveyed.

Example: “You really can't understand me. You should know that I need to have me time every day because I'm tired of taking care of the house and children all day."

Take your partner negatively

It is destructive thinking where you label your partner negatively and ignore their positive qualities. For example, “You are so stingy!”

Always blaming your partner

It is toxic thinking where you unfairly and irrationally blame your partner for relationship problems or bigger problems. Example: "Because of marrying a man like you, my life is suffering."