Do You Need To Use Layered Face Serum To Look Glowing?

JAKARTA - For the sake of shiny and healthy skin, many women don't mind applying various kinds of skincare for a long time, including various serums. But is there any use in using layers of serum?

What are Serums?

With clear color, can be made from gel or liquid, the serum has a different texture from thicker moisturizers. The serum is a concentrate. The serum is able to moisturize the skin more effectively than moisturizers. The molecules present in it are able to penetrate the skin and hydrate at the deepest level, while the 'heavier' creams are more in the top layer of the skin.

The advantages of serum can vary. But here are the most important of them;

- Contains topical antioxidants including vitamins A, C, and E.

- Usually also contains topical retinol and ingredients that can even out skin tone.

- If the serum is recommended to be used after moisturizing, then its function is to repair and target certain parts, such as spots, wrinkles, or redness.

- Serums must contain a lot of antioxidants and hydration, so that they can provide a concentrated dose of nutrients that can penetrate the deepest layers.

How to use the correct serum?

Because everyone's skin is different, it usually takes 4-6 weeks to see the results of a serum used. Apply serum to the entire face and neck 2x a day if you want to get maximum results.

There are many types of serum with different functions, is it okay to use them all at once, or is it called multilayering serum. Each brand has a different procedure for caring for the face. There is also an element of marketing gimmick in this.

Preferably, do not use more than 2 serums in 1 day, and use as directed. Usually, the doctor will advise the best how to respond with the serums you have. Most of the use of serum also does not have any effect. It might even trigger sensitive skin.

Retinoids and other serums can be used together, especially if the combined serum has soothing and hydrating properties. Be careful using oil serums on your face because they can't be used together with retinoids.

Always add a vitamin C serum to your skincare routine, it will help your skin look radiant and protect your skin against sun damage. If vitamin C is used during the day, a very potent combination is used in conjunction with UV. But if the skin is sensitive to vitamin C, then only use it at night.