Save The Woman Driver Who Fainted On The Toll Road From A Deadly Accident, This Man Was Willing To Crash His Car

JAKARTA - Friday afternoon last week will probably be one of Henry Temmermans' most memorable days when he managed to save a female driver from a fatal accident on the toll road.

Henry from Nunspeet was on his way home as he was driving down the A28 motorway in the Netherlands, when he saw a car speeding in the grass next to the motorway he was crossing.

"I didn't hesitate for a moment. I had to do something. I could see inside the driver through the side window," he told local broadcaster Omroep Gelderland, as quoted by RTV Nunspeet on November 22.

"What I saw was not good. It was clear that the woman was unconscious. The car wouldn't stop. I saw the guardrail wouldn't stop it," Henry continued.

He also thought and made a quick decision to increase the speed of his car, passing the car in the hope of stopping in front of it as well as stopping the vehicle.

The plan worked. The car, which was later discovered to be driven by a woman, hit the back of Henry's car and stopped. Behind him, another driver helped, who managed to record the entire incident via a dashcam.

"We both got out immediately. He called 112 and then we looked in the car together," Henry said.

The female driver is still unconscious in the car, with Henry seeing her vomit but still having a pulse in her neck. They also tried to do everything to make the woman aware, while calling out to her.

After two minutes, the woman came to her senses. Together they waited for the ambulance and the police who arrived after about ten minutes. She was then taken by ambulance. However, the car had to be towed because it could no longer be driven. The driver who helped him then drove Henry home. As it turned out, the driver was an old acquaintance of Henry's, some 25 years ago when he was young.

Then I moved it." The car had to be towed: it could no longer be driven. Another driver took me home. It turned out to be an old acquaintance from 25 years ago, when we were young and wild.

At the weekend, the daughter and husband of the unwell woman contacted Henry. They appreciate what he does. The woman had to receive treatment because five of her ribs were broken as a result of the incident. It is not clear what made her unconscious.

What Henry did was in the spotlight on social media, with many calling him a hero. However, Henry said he was just doing what he was supposed to do.

"I see it on social media. People say they are proud of me, call me a hero. But I don't see myself that way. You have to help people in need. I do what I have to do. That other person may not It's up to them," he concluded.