Mustofa Nahrawardaya: Why Are Terrorists Recording On YouTube, Bothering To Be An MUI Administrator, Using Common Sense!

JAKARTA - Ummat Party politician, Mustofa Nahrawardaya, spoke up after Densus 88 at the National Police Headquarters arrested three suspected terrorists in Bekasi, West Java, recently. One of the suspects, Ahmad Zain an-Najah, is known to be active in the Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).

Meanwhile, Fadir Ahmad Okbah is a member of the Sharia Board of LAM BM ABA. Fadir in his daily life is also active in preaching and broadcasting via Youtube and Instagram.

According to Mustofa, it is ironic that there are terrorists who prefer to appear in public rather than hide and carry out bombings every day.

"If he intends to become a terrorist, it would be safer to hide. Bombing every day. Shooting officers from the dark", said Mustofa via a tweet on his Twitter account, @TofaTofa_id quoted Thursday, November 18.

"Why do terrorists record on YouTube every day? They bother being the administrators of MUI. Helping terrorists? How dare you? Use common sense", added Mustofa.

Three people were arrested by Densus 88 in Bekasi, West Java. The three preachers are Ustaz Farid Okbah (FAO), Ustaz Zain An-Najah (ZA), and Ustaz Anung Al-Hamat (AA). One of the suspects is a member of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).

From the results of the Detachment's investigation, Farid Okbah and two other suspects were arrested for allegedly being involved with the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) terrorist network.

Farid is said to have several backgrounds in the JI terrorist network. Densus also said that Farid was part of the senior team or the Shura Council in the terrorist organization.

In addition, Farid Okbah is also a member of the sharia board of the Abdurrahman Bin Auf Mall Agency Amil Zakat Institution (LAZ BM ABA) or a charity foundation established for JI funding. Ramadhan explained that Farid Okbah was involved in a meeting related to the cadre of Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) in Bekasi.