Police Says Recruitment Regulations For 57 Ex-KPK Employees Has Been Completed

JAKARTA - The National Police stated that the process of recruiting 57 former KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission) employees to become State Civil Apparatus (ASN) of the Bhayangkara Corps is almost complete. Recruitment regulations have also been made.
"The internal police are already in the process. Regulations have been made", said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to reporters, Tuesday, November 16.
In addition, regulations from the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan RB) related to recruitment have also been completed. Shortly, this matter will be officially conveyed by the Kemenpan RB, Tjahjo Kumolo.
"Shortly, the Minister of Defense will convey. This is already in process", said Dedi.
In this case, continued Dedi, the regulation in question is related to the placement of 57 former KPK employees. Where they will be placed according to their respective competencies
So, when you officially become a National Police ASN, there will be no problems in the future.
"In the future, there will be no more legal issues related to the issue of the employment status in question. Everything is being processed", said Dedi.
On the previous occasion, the National Police stated that they were preparing a legal umbrella to recruit 57 former KPK employees to become State Civil Apparatus (ASN) which is expected to be completed soon.
"It is currently underway, hopefully, it will be completed soon", said Head of Public Information Bureau, Brigadier General Rusdi Hartono.
The legal umbrella regulates the mechanism for recruiting former KPK employees. In formulating this legal basis, the National Police cooperates with the relevant ministries.