Revealed! Apple CEO Tim Cook Admits He Owns Bitcoin (BTC)

JAKARTA – Apple CEO Tim Cook recently admitted that he owns crypto and he plans to add to his portfolio. This was conveyed by Cook when answering questions about his crypto ownership.

"I have. I think it makes sense to have it as part of a diversified portfolio,” he said.

He was also asked about the possibility of Apple accepting crypto through Apple Pay. Cook said the matter was being looked at, but he also mentioned that it was not something that would be implemented immediately.

“Um, that's something we're looking at. It's not something we have any immediate plans to do. I'm going to characterize it because there are things I wouldn't do like our cash balance. I wouldn't invest it in crypto, not because I wouldn't invest my own money in crypto, but because I don't think people buy Apple stock to gain exposure to crypto," Cook said as quoted by News.

While the CEO of Microstrategy, Michael Saylor responded to the possibility of Apple adopting crypto. According to him, “if Apple added support for Bitcoin to the iPhone and changed their treasury to the Bitcoin Standard, it would be worth at least a trillion dollars to their shareholders. ”

At the same time, cryptocurrency proponents are happy to know that Apple's CEO owns crypto. After Cook said he would add to his portfolio, the Apple CEO continued that he doesn't provide investment advice to anyone.

“By the way, I don't give investment advice to anyone. I've been interested in it for a while and I, you know, have researched it and so on. So I think it's interesting," he added.