Disaster Alert, West Jakarta Police Checks Sarpras For Flood Evacuation Tools

JAKARTA - Based on information from PVMBG (Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation), several areas in DKI Jakarta Province are in the Middle Zone.

In the Middle Zone, ground movement can occur if the rainfall is above normal, especially in areas bordering river valleys and others.

Anticipating the disaster, the West Jakarta Metro Police Samapta Unit held disaster preparedness by training in the use of rubber boats. The use of rubber boats to evacuate residents affected by floods in the West Jakarta area.

"We are preparing facilities and infrastructure as early as possible while increasing the skills of the West Jakarta Metro Police personnel in handling flood disaster evacuations", said West Jakarta Metro Police Head of Samapta, AKBP Agus Rizal when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, November 3.

AKBP Agus assessed that the increased intensity of rainfall would lead to flooding. He also required personnel to check the readiness of flood evacuation infrastructures such as rubber boats, oars, helmets, and life vests at every event.

"We trained on the use of rubber boats and how to evacuate flood victims", he said.

In this activity, the material provided is how to operate a rubber boat that is used when evacuating victims when a flood disaster strikes.

"This SAR capability is very much needed, especially considering that natural disasters can occur at any time, so SAR preparedness must be increased", he said.