SBY Undergoes Prostate Cancer Treatment Abroad, PDIP: We Pray For Him To Get The Grace Of Healing

JAKARTA - PDIP prays for the recovery of the 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), who was diagnosed with prostate cancer and had to undergo treatment abroad.
Putting aside differences of opinion with the Democrats, PDIP Secretary-General, Hasto Kristiyanto, said that real politics is full of humanity. That's why, when they received information that SBY was sick, all PDIP cadres prayed for the recovery of the Chair of the Democratic Party High Council.
"We pray that he will receive the grace of healing, strengthen his spirit and receive the best treatment", said Hasto in his statement, Tuesday, November 2.
PDIP encourages the government under the leadership of President Joko Widodo to provide doctor assistance and the best treatment for SBY.
"Just as when Mr. Harto was sick, Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri with her subtlety of humanity encouraged the government to provide the best treatment through the presidential doctor", he said.
"We also recommend the same thing, so that President Jokowi gives the best attention so that the presidential palace doctor who is known to be an expert can help Pak SBY to get the best treatment", said Hasto.
Previously, the 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) was rumored to be undergoing health treatment abroad because he was said to be suffering from prostate cancer. SBY's prostate cancer is still in its early stages.
The Personal Staff of the 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ossy Dermawan, said that the medical treatment will be carried out at a foreign hospital specifically dealing with prostate cancer. SBY, he said, had also contacted President Joko Widodo regarding his treatment plan abroad.
"By the ethics and manners adopted by Mr. SBY, he has called Mr. President Jokowi to report plans for treatment abroad", said Ossy to reporters, Tuesday, November 2.
The president, he continued, also sent a team of palace doctors to accompany SBY for treatment.
"President Jokowi gave a good response and said that one or two members of the Presidential Doctors Team would assist in the treatment", said Ossy.