JAKARTA - PDIP Party General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri reminded her cadres not to use party offices for personal gain. Mega also said that no party assets should be transferred to personal assets.

"This place is not an individual place but a party asset. All of the PDIP Party's assets belong to the PDIP Party, so that later through the process it will be given to the party's DPP (Central Leadership Council)", Mega said while inaugurating 10 party buildings online, Monday, August 23.

This, continued Megawati, is different from what happened in other parties where party assets can be in personal names. According to him, PDIP Party has a structure as a democratic institution and does not belong to certain politicians.

As the head of the PDIP Party, Megawati said she was happy with the inauguration. Mega has also symbolically signed an inscription that will be displayed in her party's new office.

In this wave, the inauguration was carried out on 10 party buildings consisting of eight Branch Management Board (DPC) offices at the district/city level, and a multipurpose building managed by the Banten PDIP Party Regional Representative Council (DPD), and the party office in Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta which was converted into a party school building.

In line with Megawati, the Secretary-General of the PDIP Party Hasto Kristiyanto also stated that the party office should not be traded by certain parties. Moreover, these offices spread across a number of regions in Indonesia are eternal treasures owned by the party.

"This cannot be traded, it is attached as an eternal treasure owned by the party", he stressed.

In the event, Megawati and Hasto were present virtually. Megawati was accompanied by the Chairperson of the PDIP Party DPP, Eriko Sotarduga. Meanwhile, the chairmen of the PDIP Party DPP were physically present at the Party School building in Lenteng Agung, namely Djarot Saiful Hidayat, Komarudin Watubun, Ribka Tjiptaning, and Sri Rahayu.

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