BATURAJA - The Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency Government, South Sumatra, has prepared 500 doses of booster vaccines for livestock to prevent the spread of mouth and nail disease (PMK).

The Head of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health at the OKU Fisheries and Livestock Service (Diskannak), Sugiarto, through the Animal Health Sub-ordinater, Hendri Aprizal, said hundreds of doses of the vaccine were intended for 500 cattle and sheep belonging to farmers in the region.

"Currently, 500 doses of the CAVAC type vaccine are available, only the process of taking it at the South Sumatra Province Diskannak," he was quoted as saying Monday, February 13.

He said the provision of further vaccination targeted 500 cows and buffalo who had previously received the second dose of vaccine in 2022 or were six months apart.

"Actually, the target for giving this booster vaccine is 4,600 individuals, but only 500 people have realized it, according to the existing vaccine dose," he said.

According to the provisions, he said, the cows and buffalo given the vaccine were given at a dose of 2 milliliters, while the goats and sheep were 1 milliliter on condition that they were not pregnant and aged six months and over.

In administering the booster vaccine, his party formed a task force team and involved local village officials to visit a number of community-owned farms in several sub-districts in OKU Regency.

He explained that the administration of advanced vaccines for these mammalian animals is a national program instructed by the government to protect the livestock sector from infectious diseases and could threaten the health of livestock and humans.

Complementary vaccines are given to prevent the spread of mouth disease and nails that are currently breeding livestock in several areas in Indonesia.

"The injection of this vaccine is an effort to anticipate the spread of PMK even though in OKU Regency so far there have been no reports of livestock being infected with the outbreak," he said.

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