JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology has launched a new disability feature on its official website, kominfo.go.id, to help people with special needs to easily obtain public information.
"Overall, what we know is that this number of people with disabilities reaches 8.5 percent of the total population of Indonesia, there are almost 23 million, and they experience a lot of discrimination that they cannot enjoy what should be enjoyed as Indonesian citizens," said Deputy Minister of Communications and Informatics Nezar Patria at the launch of the Disability Feature on the Kominfo Website on Tuesday, November 21.
With this feature, Nezar hopes that these problems can be eliminated, and all levels of society including people with disabilities can get easy access to public information.
"So the issue of disability is a human rights issue and the most important anti-discrimination issue. That's why then all public facilities must provide space for people with disabilities," he said further.
Along with the launch of this disability feature, Kominfo also launched one feature on methanesia.id, a platform owned by Telkom for the metaverse.
"Kominfo is present there with a number of features, for example, they can access the press museum, then a number of products produced by multimedia high schools in Yogyakarta under the tutelage of Kominfo," said Nezar.
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Although these two features are a new innovation from Kominfo, Nezar said that in the future the Ministry of Communications and Informatics will continue to improve its accessibility and inclusiveness in the future.
"We also hope that later this methanesia.id can also be friendly for people with disabilities to be accessed by our brothers and sisters with disabilities. So Kominfo supports this in order to increase digital inclusiveness in the country," he concluded.
You can enjoy these two Kominfo innovations starting today. If you access the kominfo.go.id site, you can immediately find a disability button at the bottom left of the screen.
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