JAKARTA - The launch of Elon Musk's new artificial intelligence (AI) system, dubbed "Grok", may not have created a wave in the machine learning community or directly threatened the status quo, but it definitely caught the attention of Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI who created ChatGPT.
In a post on social media platform X (formerly Twitter), Altman compared Grok's comedy skills with "Your side," saying he made a joke similar to "her father."
GPTs can save a lot of effort: pic.twitter.com/VFIrGzPuMN
— Sam Altman (@sama) November 10, 2023
GPTs can save a lot of effort: pic.twitter.com/VFIrGzPumN
In his response, Musk could not hold back from the challenge. The answer, which he claims to be written by Grok, begins with touching the classic comedy, by stringing the word "GPT-4" with the word "snore," before including references to "screen door on a submarine."
However, Grok's "comedy" quickly turned into what appeared to be an angry machine's monologue, noting that humor was banned at OpenAI and adding, "That's why he can't tell a joke even if there's an instruction guide," before stating that the GPT-4 has "sticks so deep into his body that he can feel the bark!"
Would you like some tea? pic.twitter.com/EQFgLHYXF3
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 11, 2023
Would you like some tea? pic.twitter.com/EQFgLHYXF3
Altman and Musk have a long history. Both were the founders of OpenAI before Musk left the company on time to avoid being carried away by a rocket-like momentum that had brought it to a valuation of US$2 billion (Rp30.2 trillion).
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Musk joins voices calling for a six-month delay in artificial intelligence development following OpenAI's success, which is largely attributed to the effectiveness of the GPT-3 and GPT-4 large language models (LLM). After six months, Musk and X introduced a chatbot model he claimed was superior to ChatGPT.
Called "Grok," Musk's version of this better chatbot is claimed to have the ability to produce his own humorous text, inspired by the famous science fiction novel, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Meanwhile, OpenAI launched a "GPTs" feature that allows users to define personality for their ChatGPT interface. Both models compete in intelligence and coding, but it's not clear which models are superior or sophisticated.
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