JAKARTA YouTube is reportedly testing a new button on its platform. The button found on this phone and tablet can be used to randomly play YouTube Shorts.
From the 9to5google report, a black button appears on top of your menu. When taped, this button will direct the user to YouTube Shorts and the video will start randomly.
VOI saw a button display with this icon. The position is also right above your menu. However, this button suddenly disappeared from its position.
In addition to showing the black button, YouTube is also caught providing users with the option of randomly playing videos. These recommendations appear when users continue to scroll through their screens.
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In that recommendation, YouTube wrote a message 'Can't decide what to watch?' and added a black button underneath with a play icon and writing play something.
Just like a small black button, the option to play something will bring users to the Shorts and video pages will start randomly. This addition can actually be a good alternative when users are confused about determining the content they want to see.
Unfortunately, we don't know if YouTube plans to expand the use of this button. What's more, YouTube never explained the test from this random video play button.
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