
JAKARTA – Eighteen attorneys general from states expressed their support for Montana's efforts to ban the TikTok application. This support was delivered on Monday, September 18.

Quoted from Reuters, this group of attorneys general also urged a United States (US) judge to reject the lawsuit filed by TikTok and a number of its users. According to them, TikTok is involved in misleading business practices.

In addition, TikTok's business practices are considered to make it easier for the Chinese Communist Party to access its users' personal data and information. This group of attorneys general stated that TikTok posed a serious threat to national security.

To avoid potential information theft by the Chinese government, this group of prosecutors believes that banning the TikTok application is a positive step to protect the privacy and security of American citizens.

Meanwhile, TikTok has filed a lawsuit to overturn the ban in May. The trial for the lawsuit filed by TikTok is scheduled for October 12.

TikTok itself guarantees the privacy and security of TikTok users. The Chinese company also promised not to share any data with local governments.

TikTok said that, “It has not shared and will not share US user data with the Chinese government, and has taken substantial steps to protect the privacy and security of TikTok users.”

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