
YOGYAKARTA Google is one of the most widely used search engines. Unfortunately, there are still many users who don't know Google's hidden features. Even though these features are quite helpful as well as entertaining to try.

How to use hidden features in Google is to type keywords or keywords in the search field. Some hidden Google features are as follows.

When Google users type Askew keywords in the search field, the Google search display will slightly tilt to the right. No need to panic, you can restore your normal appearance very easily.

Google seems to provide a little special treatment to the Bletchley Park tourist attraction in England. The reason is that when you type in Bletchley Park's keyword, a little animation will appear in the results of their Gmaps search, precisely on the top right.

Users will find the word blank tags when typing similar keywords in the search field.

You can train breathing with Google. It's easy, type the keyword Creating Exercise in the search field after that a one-minute breath exercise method will appear. Just click Play and follow the guide.

John Total Conway is a British mathematician who developed the Game of Life, which is a game without players. On Google, when users type Conway's Game of Life there will be animations describing how life begins.

Throwing coins is one way for someone to draw. When you need coins to draw, use a virtual coin throw by typing flip a coin in the Google search field.

Do you want to know interesting information randomly? If so, type Fun Facts on Google and wait a moment.

Have you ever seen Google's initial display? If not, try typing Google in 1998, a visual will appear describing Google that year.

For musicians, metronoms are quite important. When you need metronoms quickly, just type Metronome in the Google search bar.

Pac Man's game is legendary enough. To play it instantly, try typing Pac Man and then clicking Play. Later a pop-up will appear so that users can play it.

Google also provides a game of Snake Play snakes on their platform. Just type Play Snake and click Play to try it.

Apart from Pac Man and Play Snake, users can also type Solitaire and then click Play to play the legendary game.

Google also provides playing space for its users to try the legendary Super Mario Bros. Just type the keyword Super Mario Bros and you can play a little with the game on the right.

Google also provides gamec-Tac-Toe access on their platform. Users simply type tic-tac-toe and then the gameboard will appear.

If Google users need a quick timer, then simply type a timer in the search field, a counter will appear for 5 minutes.

That's information related to Google's hidden feature. Visit VOI.ID to get more interesting information.

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