
JAKARTA - Australia's Federal Court on Monday, August 14 ordered local unit Dell Technologies Inc. to pay a fine of 10 million Australian dollars (Rp98.9 billion) on charges of making misleading statements on its website regarding discounts for additional computer monitors.

In legal action filed by the country's competition regulator, Dell Australia was found guilty by the Federal Court in June for misleading customers about prices or discounts on additional monitors on its website.

"This dream sends a strong message to businesses that making false statements about prices or raising discounts is a serious violation of consumer law and will attract a large fine," said Liza totaling, commissioner of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

Australia's Dell, which has sold more than 5,300 additional monitors with exaggerated discounts between August 2019 and December 16, 2021, will work "with affected customers to provide appropriate refunds along with interest and are taking steps to improve our pricing process so that this kind of error doesn't happen again," a spokesman for Dell Australia said in a statement to Reuters.

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