
YOGYAKARTA - Air conditioning or air cooler is the best alternative to stay cool in hot weather. Air Cooler has more cooling power than fans and doesn't require a fee as expensive as air conditioning.

The working principle of air conditioning:

Air conditioning works based on the principle of eevaporative cooling, where water evaporation is used to cool the air. One simple example of eevaporative cooling is sweating in humans. When sweat starts to evaporate, it emits excess heat absorbed by the skin in the form of gas which causes cold weather.

A lot of air conditioning is currently equipped with a special ice bath, which helps cool water. This produces fast and strong cooling. The best thing about using air conditioning is that you can leave the doors and windows partially open to ensure the fresh air is always circulating.

How does air conditioning work with water?

Just like sweating water coolers also work in the same way: water particles on the skin's surface remove heat when evaporating and cooling the skin. This cooler is known to use 75% less energy compared to the central air conditioner.

Evaporative coolers come in a variety of styles. Smooth droplets are sprayed into the air and then blown by a fan in a certain way because the water in this fog consists of small droplets. It will easily evaporate and absorb heat from the air. Or, the air is made to blow the wetting material. It can be blown through a fine net or a wet sheet, for example. This wet material cools when yawning and cools the air.

Depending on the temperature, the air can only maintain a little moisture. When the temperature is higher than that amount, the water will start to condense out of the air at the same speed as it evaporates. This leads to effective protection against eevaporative cooling.

How does Air Cooler work without water?

The absorption is directly used in housing shift cooling and industrial conditions. This is explained by the inner box of metal or plastic with side ventilation. Fans or centrifuges move the air, and water pumps will wet the eevaporative cooling pads.

The cooling system can be installed on the roof, outside walls or building windows near the exhaust fan through ventilation next to the engine and anti-wet sheets to keep them cold. The heat in the air evaporates from the plate, which is continuously coated again to continue the cooling process.

These two working principles will help relieve confusion about how air conditioning works.

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