
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Football Association (PSSI), Erick Thohir, issued a statement regarding the news that Indonesia is exploring the possibility of hosting the 2034 World Cup with Saudi Arabia.

This news emerged from a statement by the Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Dito Ariotedjo. He said Indonesia would try to establish cooperation with Saudi Arabia.

"We are following developments, but indeed what is Indonesia's positioning, which the President (Joko Widodo) wants, we are at least co-host (the co-host)," said Dito.

The young Golkar Party politician later said President Jokowi would go to Arabia to meet Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS). "One of the topics (will be discussed with) King MBS (is the host together). Hopefully we will update this," said Dito.

However, Erick Thohir issued a different statement. He said Indonesia did not target the 2034 World Cup hosts, but after 2034.

He emphasized that Indonesia would only provide support for Saudi Arabia, which has volunteered to host the 2034 World Cup.

"Indonesia supports Saudi Arabia as the host of the 2034 World Cup. On the other hand, Indonesia continues to prepare itself for the next World Cup bidding for the Asian zone after 2034 and other FIFA competitions," Erick said on the PSSI official website.

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