
JAKARTA Naturalized basketball player Kimberley Pierre-Louis certainly cannot strengthen Indonesia at the 2023 Asian Games due to regulatory constraints.

The person in charge of the Indonesian basketball national team Christopher Tanuwidjaja said that this year the organizing committee only allowed one naturalized player with the passport of the destination country for three years.

"Meanwhile, Kimberley has just received a passport in December 2020, which at the time of the (Asian Games) event starts later (the passport) is still almost 3 years old," Christopher explained in a statement.

Kimberley's certainty that he could not participate in the Asian Games made the women's basketball national team move quickly to make changes to the composition of the players ready to be brought.

Christopher said there were already two names included for Kimberley's successor. The two names in question are Pelyton Whitted and Adelaide Callista Wongsohardjo.

Adelaide, which is one player who contributed when the women's national team won the Cambodia 2023 SEA Games gold, is currently still recovering from a broken palm injury.

"We still hope that Adelaide will soon recover from a broken palm injury and return to the team," Christopher said.

At the Asian Games later, the women's basketball team will join Group C. In the group they will compete with India, China, and Mongolia.

Indonesia will start competing against India on September 27. This match takes place at the Shaoxing Olympic Sports Center Gymnasium.

Then the second match against China on September 29 at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Gymnasium. Next up against Mongolia on October 1 at the Shaoxing Olympic Sports Center Gymnasium.

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