
JAKARTA - In preparation for Taiga Imanaga in Tokyo, Japan on Tuesday night, July 25, 2023, Hebi Marapu not only trained hard in the gym. More than that, he also received support from the sports nutrition team that monitored his nutritional intake. Hebi will face the home boxer, Taiga Imanaga in an 8-round non-lightweight title match at the Ariake Arena.

Planning and application of sports nutrition were carried out under the supervision of nutritionist from Esa Unggul University, Dr. Mury Kuswari, S.Pd., M.S. and Nazhif Gifari, S.Gz, who previously helped the Indonesian taekwondo team win one gold medal, four silver medals, and four bronze medals at the 2003 SEA Games in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Regulation of diet and nutritional intake plays an important role in maintaining weight. This is vital for athletes of combat sports, such as Hebi, who compete according to the weight category.

Previously, Hebi had only started to lose weight about two to one week before official weighting. As a result, weight loss is carried out drastically and there are times when he is still overweight a few hundred grams from the specified limit. In order to enter the limit, boxers usually jog or jump the rope wearing a dress.

With the application of sports nutrition, Hebi cut the percentage of body fat from 16 percent to 13 percent and increased muscle mass. In addition, he does not need to worry about being overweight because he has entered the ideal limit since the final phase of preparation.

I also feel more fit and my body condition is better. At first it was not easy because I wanted to eat, I had to report something to reduce, something had to be added. But this is just a matter of habit. After all, this is a consequence of my choice to become a professional boxer," said this boxer from East Sumba.

In order to get optimal results, the sports nutrition team always coordinates with the coach about the training program. They also monitor Hebi's physical parameters regularly, namely weight, fat percentage, and muscle mass.

Nazhif said coordination with the coaching team is very important so that the nutrition team can determine nutritional intake at every training stage.

If Hebi is in the high intensity training stage, we recommend the fulfillment of protein. We also stay away from strangulation and strict diets. We are not a fan or shaman. We work based on the target. We lose weight is done gradually until the time of the match. We also always monitor so that if the target is not achieved we know where the problem is," Nazhif said.

In compiling the nutrition program, Mury and Nazhif did not change much of the menu that Hebi consumed. They have the right nutritional principle that does not require expensive food ingredients and can be obtained from food ingredients they meet on a daily basis. In addition, weight loss is carried out in a safe and without dehydration when competing.

Mury analogized athletes and proper nutritional intake as cars and fuel. No matter how good a car will be, it will not have maximum performance without the right fuel.

This is a simple analogy. Just imagine, sports cars like Ferrari are filled with premium fuel. Surely the performance will not be maximized. Or, filled with diesel. So it is even damaged. So if you want optimal performance, the fuel must be right. Another example that often occurs is the capacity of a tank of 40 liters, but only 10 liters. As a result, it can be fast but not finish," said the man who served as chairman of the Esa Unggul University nutrition study program.

Mury and Nazhif continue to try to ground the concept of sports nutrition so that national sports stakeholders can easily understand it. Although the results are not seen instantly, this is still needed as an effort to improve Indonesia's sports achievements.

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